勁人幫手,英文proof read

2007-03-01 12:58 am
The HkCU comprse seven schools and two centers,
and offers up a wide range of programmes including
diplomas and higher diplomas, degree and various
postgraduate courses.A student population has grown
steadily from 5300 students admit in the October 1999
semester more than 24300 students today.

回答 (4)

2007-03-02 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
The HKCU (CUHK) comprises of seven schools and two centers,
and offers a wide range of programmes including
diplomas and higher diplomas, degress and various
postgraduate courses. The student population has grown
steadily from 5300 students admitted in the October 1999
semester to more than 24300 students today.

2007-03-02 00:52:15 補充:
HKCU(CUHK) awards are recognised in HK andoverseas for employment and further studies. Mutualagreements have also been made wih a number ofoverseas institutions in the form of institutional credittransfer arrangements to recognise the credits.
參考: myself
2007-03-01 2:09 am
The (CUHK) (comprised of) seven (Colleges) and two centers(.)
It offers a wide range of programmes(,) including
diplomas(,) higher diplomas, degree and various
postgraduate courses. (The) student population has (increased) from 5300 students in the October 1999 to more than 24300 students today.

(CUHK)'s awards are recognised (by )HK (as well as ) (overseas employer and universities). (They have ) agreements with a number of overseas institutions, (for credit
transfer among them.)
2007-03-01 1:04 am
The HkCU (comprise of )seven schools and two centers,
and offers up (to)a wide range of programmes including
diplomas and higher diplomas, degree and various
postgraduate courses.(The)student population has grown
steadily from 5300 students (agmitted) in the October 1999
semester (to)more than 24300 students today.
2007-03-01 1:02 am
HkCU comprse 七學校和二個中心, 和提議大範圍節目包括文憑和更高的文憑, 程度和各種各樣的畢業後的courses.A 學生人口平穩地增長從5300 名學生今天錄取在1999 年10月學期超過24300 名學生。
HKCU 褒獎被認可在香港而且國外為就業和更加進一步的studies.Mutual 協議有用一定數量的國外機關並且被做以協會銀行轉帳安排的形式認出從credits。
參考: 我

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