少少phy 問題 10分

2007-02-28 9:50 pm
1.in which of the temperature ranges: 0- 20, 40-60 , 80-100 is the thermister thermometer the most accurate? Explain your answer
答案係 0-20, 但我唔知點解

2. The diagram shows a clinical thermometer
個圖係一支溫度計, 有一個constriction
a) name a suitable liquid for X
b) What is the reason for the constriction
c) explain why this type of thermometer cannot be used to take the temperature of boiling water

Please help

有圖架~但有圖都冇用, 因為冇show 顏色

回答 (1)

2007-02-28 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 好depends on 係邊一種喎, 0-20 我都唔係好知點解, 唔好意思, 幫你唔到.

2. 都睇唔到幅圖, 但係我估都係最常見果種thermometer. 入面果d 一係就係銀色的水銀, 一係就係紅色的酒精.
因為無圖, 所以唔知第二問, 而第三個問題就係因為clinical thermometer 係用來度體温, 所以果range 都只係20-40 度到, 所以係度唔到100 度的熱水的!!!

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