
2007-02-28 9:41 pm

回答 (9)

2007-02-28 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please arrive xxx hotel at two o'clock.
參考: me
2007-02-28 11:58 pm
you can write Please arrive at xxx hotel at two o'clock.
2007-02-28 10:34 pm

1. Please arrive at the XXX hotel at 2am/ 2pm today.

2. Please be at the XXX hotel at 2am/ 2pm today.


1. Please arrive at the XXX hotel today at 2am/ 2pm.

2. Please be at the XXX hotel today at 2am/ 2pm.

由於你個問題裡面係想講"到達", 最貼切都係解做arrive~~ 不過用be都唔係錯,只不過冇arrive咁好罷了~~

I hope I've explained clearly!

2007-03-01 15:26:46 補充:
how can this be the best answer?? it has a grammatical error!!! this answer is not worth 30 points at all. I won't waste my effort in answering your questions again.
參考: mememememememe!
2007-02-28 10:01 pm

Please go to xxx Hotel at 2:00pm today

Please arrive xxx Hotel within 2 hours
2007-02-28 9:55 pm
in two o'clock you all need to xxx hotel and wait.
2007-02-28 9:51 pm
Arrive at XXX hotel at 2 o' clock, please.
參考: me
2007-02-28 9:48 pm
Please be sure to arrive at XXX hotel at 2pm ( or 2am, 如文中所講是凌晨的兩點的話)
2007-02-28 9:47 pm
Please arrive at XXX hotel at 2p.m
參考: My brain , knowledge
2007-02-28 9:43 pm
Please go to XXX hotel punctually.

2007-02-28 13:44:33 補充:
Sorry, edit..Please go to XXX hotel punctually at 2 o'clock.
參考: Me

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