
2007-02-28 5:32 pm

我參加左EF的布萊頓遊學一個月, 暑假去的, 但佢的費用仲未包 1)機票 同 2)保險

1) 如果我買機票oasis甘泉航空點樣?因為佢好平, 唔知有無朋友搭過呢? OK嗎?
另外買機票邊度會平d, 可靠, 準時出發, 唔好突然間買左又話無機位, 有咩好介紹呢?

2) 買旅行保險可以買邊隻? 我聽過藍十字, HSBC, 大概要幾錢?
因為EF有間保險公司同佢合作, 叫ERIKA TRAVEL INSURANCE , 一個月要HK$840.00(首兩星期HK$560.00, 其後每星期HK$140.00), 不過危險活動附加費要HK$390.0(6個月). 佢係唔係一個好選擇?

除左以上的問題, 我仲想問:

布萊頓物價係點? 我要帶幾多錢去先夠呢 (一個月的洗費)? 帶Credit Card, 旅行支票, 定現金方便d? 其實旅行支票係o係邊度整既? 點用?

課程完左, 我仲想去愛爾蘭行下, 要幾多日先夠呢? 同埋大概要幾多錢?


回答 (2)

2007-03-07 4:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Oasis 我冇搭過,所以唔知. 不過如果你想要平d 而可靠 ge airline, 我會揀Singapore airline, 係我覺得服務最好而價錢又係相對地平ge! 不過暑假係peak season, 要早d 問. 可以叫EF agent 幫你睇....
不過大前提係...你唔介意轉機...因為 direct flight only needs 12-13 hrs, but indirect flight needs almost 18 hours..都幾辛苦...而且通常會香港早機( around 6am)而英國晚機到, 不過好處在因為暑假夏天, 所以呢度好夜( e.g : 10.30pm)先入黑, 所以 around that time 到都應該冇咁驚....P.S : Heathrow airport to brighton 唔會超過 2 hours

2) ERIKA TRAVEL INSURANCE by EF 我買過, but 冇買危險活動. 我唔熟insurance ge 野, 但我覺得 ok ge, 因為佢係 especially for students travel/study abroad, 所以佢保ge 野都幾實際在學生角度 ( e.g: 佢好似會保, 例如話你唔少心整壞 host family ge 野) 不過細節既當然要睇清楚...HK$ 840都唔係好貴既..最後我梗係咩事都冇發生, so 答唔到你想知ge 好 ng 好

I could only tell you about brighton, sorry :)
brighton, 係我最鐘意 ge city之一 in england, 夏天好靚好靚..有海灘,裸泳灘, 好多seagulls.而最出名ge Brighton Pier 到時一定好熱鬧, 海邊有好多小店( 記念品) 行下, , Casino, ** clubs/pubs in brighton*******
Brighton 都有好多街行, 物價相對高, ( average 5-6pound for a normal meal, 4.5 pound cinema, for daily transport I suggest you to buy ONE DAY TICKET which means u can get on any bus within brighton and Hove for wholeday in any times, it costs abt no more than 3 pound as i rmb)
because 近London, 我諗你住 1 個月一定會周圍去, 唔知你會點洗$, 我覺得at least~1000-2000 pound , I would prefer taking credit card ( in case i need spare money) and 50% cash and 50% into the travel cheque ( seems can buy from 學聯),maybe EF has offer as well. this website looks handy:

just out of the topic but still want you to know, try not to go out at night in brighton, not only because of drunkers but also there are lots of chav. apart from that, it is a very nice place.

might see you around there in summer :P , enjoy!

( sorry to mix with english as I cant type chinese properly)

2007-03-10 21:09:07 補充:
I lived there :)
參考: 希望幫到你
2007-03-06 6:52 pm
旅遊保險我可以幫到你,QBE昆士蘭聯保保險有限公司,( 死亡賠償$50萬,醫療費$30萬,保期30天,保費$284.00 ),( 死亡賠償$50萬,醫療費$60萬,保期30天,保費$309.00 ),( 死亡賠償$100萬,醫療費$100萬,保期30天,保費$571.00 ),非職業性危險運動無須附加費,詳情請電郵:[email protected],至於帶幾多錢這個要看你自己的開支了,旅遊支票可以在銀行購買,買了後在當地銀行取款

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