ask 跳舞...

2007-02-28 3:33 pm
記得上次 high-table dinner,我鍾意果個男仔請我跳舞,其實我唔係咁識得跳舞,佢話佢帶住我跳就得 ga la。 不過呢,我唔知眼神應該放係邊,佢望住我,我覺得如果大家互相咁望會好尷尬,不斷搵話題同佢講野,佢話,跳舞唔好講咁多野啦,無幾耐隻歌跳完啦,我因為太緊張話都係返去食野啦。

我覺得自己好無用好怕醜,不過唔緊要啦,我想從呢件事學識下次如果有同樣情況點做好?我地又唔係情侶,我唔知應該靜靜地同佢跳舞(會唔會好悶?)好定點?雙眼又唔知點望佢先唔尷尬… 如果可以教埋我借呢個機會用佢再進一步就好啦!各位教教路啦~~~

回答 (1)

2007-02-28 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are doing fine, be yourself, and you already tried.
You did not tell him you are good dancer ma, don't blame yourself.
One thing I know is that, a regular man will not ask a lady he does not have a positive feeling to dance with him ... so You at least prove that he does not hate you.
He is also right about 跳舞唔好講咁多野啦, because dancing should not be talking technically.
So if he did not give you a bad face, but politely said it to your ears with a low tone, he is also doing fine.
Next time, look at the BRIGDE of the dance partner nose, instead of looking into his eyes if you feel 好怕醜. It is very ok ...
可以教埋我借呢個機會用佢再進一步 ... Very easy, tell him that last time from his introducing to dance, you want to learn how to dance, and simply say "Do you have time, so you can teach me in your spare time ? I am eager to learn from an expert"
and see how he response ...
Good luck and have fun
alien :)

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