對英文頗有認識的人, 快進來 急.....................

2007-02-28 2:43 pm
water 用 they 定係 it ??

回答 (6)

2007-02-28 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Use it if there is only one cup ( or one bottle ) of water
Use they if there are more than a cup ( or a bottle ) of water
參考: Me ( as a UK University Student )
2007-03-01 12:15 am
use it because water is 不可數
2007-02-28 4:58 pm

2007-02-28 4:11 pm
Please use "IT" for water.
2007-02-28 3:21 pm
i think that it should be IT
2007-02-28 3:13 pm
use "it ", because there is never a plural form of water; waters is not a correct word. Just go to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/waters if you want to check it. Water is use IT!!!!!
參考: me!

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