
2007-02-28 10:01 am
我喺英國真係未見過一隻生勾勾嘅曱甴喺我面前行過! 只係試過喺china town度見到一隻已經乾死左嘅曱甴! 我有聽過話係因為英國太乾燥所以曱甴生存唔到, but即時有朋友反駁話英國係霧都點會乾燥到曱甴都生存唔到... (不過我都想話英國真係幾乾燥but就唔sure係咪真係因為咁所以曱甴生存唔到...) 請問有無人可以答到我呀? thx~~

回答 (2)

2007-03-01 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
曱甴係冷血動物, 係寒冷既地方繁殖會慢好多, 氣溫零度以下既日子, 唔死都唔方會活躍啦. 咁傳宗接代既週期長左, 一對曱甴一年後繁殖出來的後代, 比熱帶地方既同類幾何級數咁繁殖, 根本冇得比.
而且衛生搞得好既國家, 冇咩野食 同藏身既地方, 所以冇咁多囉.
參考: Applied Entomology 所學
2007-02-28 10:51 am
I've seen one alive many years ago, I think they do exist in the UK but only in very small quantities compared to HK and ....roaches prefer warm and shabby places...and don't forget the government responsible for killing them and preventing its growth - I've seen people spraying insecticide into shrub.

For detail about roaches search in Wikipedia.

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