如果要在會計一行發展,考HKIAAT,AIA or ACCA哪個會最好呢?

2007-02-28 8:47 am
HKIAAT - 香港財務會計協會,AIA - 國際會計師公會,ACCA - 特許公認會計師公會:
我個人比較prefer HKIAAT,但係睇個名又覺得會唔會淨係起香港先有用,出到國際會唔

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to work in HK, the HKICPA is a must. However, ACCA and HKICPA under a dispute so both organisation split. It is believe that HKICPA will no longer recognize ACCA.

For the HKAAT, I think it may be an alternative as you can then write the Conversation course, then the QP of HKICPA.

Forget ACCA as it has littel recognition international. AIA is more worse than ACCA.

2007-02-28 14:08:00 補充:
Furthermore, it is know that the recent student of ACCA must has a degree before they can write the QP examination before becoming CPA HK. So, you must read the web page of HKICPA very carefully as it changes frequently.
2007-03-01 7:11 am
如果要在香港成為會計師,最好就考HKICPA (QP)

HKIAAT 是最低層次, 考完8科後, 就要再考4科PBE, 然後是4QP + 1 test

如有 Degree (A/C), 就可直考4QP + 1 test (HKICPA)

其實最好就有Degree, 可以Exempt HKICPA (只需考4+1 papers) 及 ACCA (只需考5 papers)

但ACCA 及 HKICPA 現在好像不再是互認了, 以往考完ACCA, HKICPA 都認‧我都不知怎樣‧

HKIAAT, 是會計員, 並非會計師. 以往好多人考不到ACCA, 就去AIA. AIA 不是好多人承認

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