how can i make uncle fredrick stop calling me at odd time of the night to sell me kangaroos?

2007-02-28 12:10 am

回答 (20)

2007-02-28 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
install the latest model of soup can\string phone lines in your home, I hear he's on a low sodium diet and has been banned from these salt bombs by his wife, Gert.
2007-02-28 7:23 pm
Wallaby a monkey's uncle. Tell him how you feel, or you will roo the the day. What you need is a leap of faith.
2007-02-28 8:17 am
Tell him that the ghost of Steve Irwin has possessed your body.
2007-02-28 8:42 am
u should’ve got rid of him when u got ur only chance when he wanted to hug the alligators!
參考: God help you
2007-02-28 8:29 am
counter attack with

"hey uncle about loaning me about fifty bucks?
believe me he will quit calling.
2007-02-28 8:25 am
Tell the Penguin, Uncle Freddy will stop calling or have some broken knees.
2007-02-28 8:18 am
don't worry, if you would let me date your uncle, he would stop :)
2007-02-28 8:17 am
unplug the phone or ship him a load of damaged { mentally } Kangaroos after being kept in the basement for a few weeks they should be insane enough to return to frederick with the blessing of an angry nephew
參考: also maybe you shouldnt peek into the dreaded pouches
2007-02-28 8:15 am
I would like to buy a Kangaroo,
I have this cat that like to kill my lab mice.
Ok cat. get THAT mouse.
2007-02-28 8:14 am
Tell him your "only into" elephants and tigers during those hours !!!!
2007-02-28 8:14 am
tell him about your all kangaroo meat diet that should make him stop selling you kangaroos if he wants them to live if not well at least youve got a bunch of food for the next little while
2007-02-28 8:14 am
turn your ringer off
2007-02-28 8:13 am
Turn your phone off
2007-02-28 8:13 am
Turn the ringer off he can call but he will have to sale them roos to the machine.
2007-02-28 8:13 am
Buy them all?
2007-02-28 8:13 am
little button on the phone marked OFF... works like a charm. Welcome to modern marvels.
2007-02-28 8:12 am
Turn off your phone at night.
2007-02-28 8:12 am
Have the zebras answer the phone for you, because you know he won't stop calling....
參考: ♥
2007-02-28 8:12 am
Buy him 3.
參考: macro
2007-02-28 8:12 am
tell him ya got one allready!

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