Do you still have all of your wisdom teeth?

2007-02-27 6:44 pm
If so, do you have any problems with them. Any cavities? The reason I ask is, I have to go to the dentist this Friday becuase I have a cavity in at least one of my wisdom teeth. I haven't been to the dentist in about 6 years and I'm terrified of going. I wish now that I had paid attention more in the past. But, life snuck up on me and I got married and had a baby and just forgot about my teeth. I really hope I don't have to have my wisdom teeth taken out! They never bothered my before the cavity. Is there any hope? Anyone out there still have their wisdom teeth?

Ughhh...I hate hearing that so many of you had them pulled! I've never had any problems wih them until a week ago when one of them started hurting. They have all come in nicely and aren't hurting any of my other teeth. Let's hope my dentist can fill the cavities and leave me be for now. I really don't want to have to have them pulled. I'm a big baby when it comes to these kind of things! I hate the dentist! I worl in a children's hospital so I get to see the dentist we have here..good thing she's used to whining and :-)

回答 (16)

2007-02-27 6:49 pm
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I still have them I am 29yr I havent been to the dentist in 12 yrs... I havent had any problems with them at first I had pain in my left side jaw couldnt open as much etc, but I was told to just do jaw excersie to loosing it up and it has helped so no troubles.

I am refusing to get mine out tell I cant take the pain, I have never heard anything postive about getting those things out.
2007-02-27 6:46 pm
Nope, got them all pulled. I had problems with them a few years ago as one tried to push through and I had it pulled right away. It also had a cavity on it because I could not reach back there when brushing.

Getting them out doesn't hurt too bad. You're sore for a few days and you can't eat solid food for about 4 days but it's really not that bad. It takes less than an hour. I had mine done on a Friday afternoon and was back to work the following Tuesday.
2007-02-27 11:34 pm
My wife has them in a small bottle in her dresser.
2007-02-27 7:18 pm
as of tomorrow I wont have any but right now I have all four and the only problem I am having with them is that they are laying sideways below the gum so I have to have them cut out yipee! I have posted 2 questions on the subject of getting them cut out
good luck and wish you the best!
2007-02-27 7:16 pm
Congrats on your baby! ^^ I got all 4 of mine out about 3 and half weeks ago. Its really nothing. I think I got one more somewhere else thats no where near my mouth. But I dont have to get it taken out.
2007-02-27 7:12 pm
I have all of the wisom teeth pulled out when I was 18. Is bothers me when I am eating and also it is hard to clean and food particle can collect and cause cavity. Have them pull out as soon as possible
參考: personal opinion
2007-02-27 6:55 pm
I had all four of mine removed about 7 years ago. I was 28 at the time. Mine didn't come in until my mid 20's. I was having a lot of headaches and they were very crowded. It didn't hurt, I was just sore a few days. They did put me under for it. I would get them out now. You will have more problems if you don't. You don't want cavities because they can affect the surrounding teeth as well.
2007-02-27 6:50 pm
I have all but one of my wisdoms. They don't bother me. Most people have them removed because there isn't enough room in the mouth. That was the case with the wisdom I had removed. It was pushing on my other teeth and causing a lot of pain. I had oral surgery to get it out. No pulling teeth out for me! It most cases, cavities can be filled (even in wisdoms), but if the Doc says its too far gone..then it'll have to come out.
2007-02-27 6:50 pm
yep i have all four! and the two lower ones are laying oddly in my mouth. the only thing i noticed is i snore now. but no cavities. i dont eat sweets. i'm overweight but it's because of my portions during meals (which ive changed woo hoo). anyway good luck with your cavity. perhaps you can tell them you want the cavity filled or treated. i know ultimatly you have the choice to say no about them pulling it out. good luck!
2007-02-27 6:50 pm
I've had the fortunate luck to have all of my wisdom teeth come in correctly. They all sit nicely in the rear, lined up where they belong. However, I have had quite a few problems with their hygeine, as they always seem to be slightly more dingy than the others. So like you, I have a cavity.

You know, unless you're dangerously allergic to all forms of anasthaesia, you'll be fine. The actual act of working on a filling (if you caught it early enough) is not even remotely as terrifying as people you lead you to believe. Root canals are not the grandest thing on earth, but just keep in mind how much happier you will be with clean, strong, healthy teeth, and those cotton balls won't seem so bad.
2007-02-27 6:50 pm
I still have all of mine and my dentist said as long as they aren't bothering me, I can keep them. It is hard to brush back there so he gave me a really small toothbrush that reaches back that far. He did say if I started getting cavities that he would recommend that I have them pulled since filling a cavity that far back would be near impossible. I'm sorry! Good Luck!
2007-02-27 6:50 pm
I am 26 and still have all my wisdom teeth. As they were coming in when I was 18, the dentist said they would eventually all have to be pulled because I didn't have enough room. Now they say that I can leave them in because they are not causing problems. I have never had a cavity but I'm sure they won't pull your teeth just for that. My dentist did say that it is hard to care for wisdom teeth because they are so far back, and food can easily get caught in them. Just make sure you go regularly and you should be all set!
2007-02-27 6:49 pm
i have half of my wisdom teeth. I have my upper two, and i had my lower two pulled out ten years ago. Cavities happen, don't worry. Dentists seem to prefer to pull them out, because wisdom teeth apparently dont serve any purpose other than to push the rest of our teeth and make them crooked : / there's a chance he will decide to have them extracted, maybe not then and there.

You can always ask his reason for wanting them extracted and he gives you a good one then just go for it. If not then say no! I'm not looking forward to going to the dentist but I know that I really need to :( Good luck!
2007-02-27 6:48 pm
I have all mine,well 3 for some reason I don't have a fourth,but so far no problems,thank God!!I'm w/ you I hope I never have to have them pulled!!Good Luck!!
2007-02-27 6:47 pm
Had all of them extracted, first one side, then the other with local anesthetic.
參考: If you want some left later, better take care of them now.
2007-02-27 6:47 pm
Nope - had to have them pulled.

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