
2007-02-28 7:26 am
我上上下網,,個ie就會無la la輕左(沒有回應,,最後要用工作管理員將它強行關閉),,,



ps:我用 ie 6

回答 (3)

2007-02-28 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Your main point: The problem with Internet Explorer?
I have seen this problem too, when I open some webpages which have QuickTime Plugins, it suddenly popup two massages: A error occur in the Plugin, The plugin is not _______(I forgot the word) prop...If I click hyperlinks in that page, the Internet Explorer will suddenly stopped and give a massage that is you need to close the Explorer because of an error is occur.
Some pages on internet will make Internet Explorer 6 occur errors, if you want to view them, you can use Firefox 1.5. But its black point is you need to reinstall the webpage components (Example: QuickTime (plugins), Java (applets)...).
If you have more questions on this, ask me more.

2007-02-28 12:58:38 補充:
Add more tips:If your computer RAM is less than 512MB, as you are opening the explorer, you should close other programs, or the explorer will occur errors again.

2007-03-05 23:21:21 補充:
Add more tips again:In Windows XP (Both Home Edition and Professional), this problem always occurs, but Flash plugin, Windows Media Player plugin are not usually occur problems. In this case, you can change the file formats by using...Go down for more[v]

2007-03-05 23:22:27 補充:
Continue the previous passage[v]...format exchange programs (Example: Extra Player 3.2) to get away from these problems. You can try.
2007-03-02 9:40 am
有無話上邊d 就會hang ?如果係一d 須要 flash / quick time / java 既網頁,而你只係個ie hang 而其他野都無問題既話,就好有可能係你個 ie 既 plugin 出現問題!不過如果同時間你其他野都有問題既話,(即係你要 close 左ie 其他野先行到),就可能資源都有問題

呢個時候,你可以重新安裝你既 plugin,不過個人認為 ie 比較食 ram,
我建議你使用其他瀏覽器,比ie 安全而且快得多!~
呢度有部份免費而且比ie 有更多function同快既 browser ,
個人建議使用 firefox,因為d function 幾好,而且真係快過用 ie 好多!~

2007-03-02 2:54 am
換一個更安全的浏覽器吧。我推薦你用 firefox。firefox 可以屏蔽絕大多數網站上面的病毒,因爲這些病毒都是專門針對 IE 的漏洞開發的.

firefox 比 IE 更小,運行的速度更快。




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