風力能及太陽能 對比之問卷調查內容應含那些問題??

2007-02-28 7:09 am
風力能及太陽能 對比之問卷調查內容應含那些問題??


回答 (1)

2007-02-28 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it depends on the field you want to ask. For example, if you are asking for engineer's opinion, then the survey should be included the cost, efficiency, stability, reliability, max power output, location, climate, construction scale or etc...

However, if you are asking the opinion from a city planner, then you should think about the cost, the environmental impact, pollution effect, society acceptability, surrounding building, require area, etc.....

So, it is really depends on the field you want to study for. Hope my opinion can give you a brief idea in conducting such a survey,

2007-03-08 11:12:45 補充:
它取決於您想要要求的領域。例如, 如果您請求engineer's 觀點, 勘測應該包括費用、效率、穩定、可靠性、最大功率輸出、地點、氣候、建築標度或等... 但是, 如果您要求觀點從城市計劃者, 那麼您應該考慮費用, 環境影響, 汙染作用, 社會可接受性, 周圍的大廈, 要求區域, 等... 如此, 它是真正地取決於您想要學習為的領域。希望我的看法可能給您一個簡要的想法在進行這樣勘測

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