
2007-02-28 6:24 am

回答 (4)

2007-02-28 8:23 am
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法 式 燉 蛋

Creme Brulee

Ingredients : 150g Egg
280g Egg yolks
130g Sugar
500g Fresh cream
500 ml milk
1 stalk vanilla stick (remove the seed)

Method :
(1) Beaten the egg & egg yolk.

(2) Boil the fresh cream & milk. Then, add in the vanilla stick & cook for a while.
Then, add in ingredient (1) & sugar. Mix well & pour it into the bowl. Place
the bowl onto the oven tray with hot water underneath & bake at 150oC
for 45 mins. Cool down & fringe.
(3) Sprinkle with sugar on top of the creme burlee. Use the Bunsen burner to make
it golden. Ready to serve.

唔計Ingredients 有82個字

2007-03-01 10:23 pm
Mixed Vegetable Curry

Ingredients :
Mixed vegetables : 350 gms
(say Beans, Green peas Potatoes,
Cauliflower, Carrots, Cabbage, Mango)
Cooking Oil : 2 tbsp
Cumin seeds : 1 tsp
Mustard seeds : 1/2 tsp
Onion seeds : 1/2 tsp
Turmeric : 1 tsp
Garlic, crushed: 3 cloves
Curry leaves : 8
Dry red chilli : 2 No
Sugar : 1 tsp
Natural (plain) yogurt : 150 ml
Cornflour : 1 tsp
Salt, to taste

Method of Preparation :

Prepare the vegetables you have chosen : string the beans, thaw the peas, cube the potatoes; cut the cauliflower into florets, dice the carrots, shred the cabbage, top and tail the mango-touts and leave whole.

Mix cornflour and plain yogurt without lumps and keep aside.

Heat a large pan with enough water to cook all the vegetables and bring to the boil. First add the potatoes and carrots and cook until nearly tender then add all the other vegetables and cook until still firm. All the vegetables should be crunchy except the potatoes. Drain well.

Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the cumin, mustard and onion seeds, the turmeric, garlic, curry leaves and dried chilli gently until the garlic is golden brown and the chilli nearly burnt. Reduce the heat.

Fold in the drained vegetables, add the sugar and salt and gradually add the yogurt mixed with the cornflour. Heat for about 3-5 minutes.
2007-03-01 1:27 am
Lapanese Green Tea Chessecake 日本綠茶芝士蛋糕

Ingredients: 材料:
Cream cheese 250g 忌廉芝士 250克
Egg yolks 4 蛋黃 4個
Egg whites 8 蛋白 8個
Sugar 80g 砂糖 80克
Self-raising flour 90g 自發粉 90克
Matcha green 4tsps 綠茶粉 4茶匙
tea powder

1. Preheat an oven to160°C.Line a mould with a sheet of baking paper.Leave cream cheese at room temperature until soft.
2. Beat cream cheese and 50g sugar with an electric mixer until smooth.Add in egg yolks.Stir well.
3. Sieve in self-raising flour and green tea powder.
4. Beat egg whites briefly in a separate bowl.Add 30g sugar and beat until stiff.Stir in cream cheese batter slowly.Fold the mixture together with a plastic spatula.
5. Pour batter into a mould.Bake in a water bath for 60 minutes.

(89words (not include the ingredients)

1. 預熱焗爐160°C,餅模鋪上牛油紙。忌廉芝士放在室溫下待軟。
2. 忌廉芝士與50克砂糖,發打至幼滑,加入蛋黃,拌勻。
3. 慢慢篩入自發粉與綠茶粉。
4. 蛋白稍作打起,加入30克糖,發打至挺身,慢慢加入芝士糊內,用膠杓以反摺手法拌勻。

參考: From my book and then copy down.
2007-02-28 8:24 am
Grilled Tofu recipe

1/2 cup liquid honey
1/4 cup soy sauce
4-5 cloves garlic (chopped)
Mix together to make a marinate.

1 package firm tofu

Cut tofu into cubes and marinate in sauce overnight if time allows.
Grill on bbq or in oven.
You can also prepare these tofu squares in a non stick fry pan.

kwhoney honey

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