change 英文....中變英

2007-02-28 6:22 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
This book provides the most brilliant, easiest to understand also the most correct south North Pole knowledge. The story is start from two groups of explorations troops competition.It introduces the polar weather, how the zoology and botany ecological environment and the native do overcome not the good natural environment to survive.The author's relaxed style, fascinating, the icy polar world description both vivid, interesting and matches the wonderful illustration.Readers will read it with the pleasure.Moreover, in the article also repeatedly stated the loving care polar region the importance, it is a good book which will not can only help the readers to develop the field of vision.It will also be able to stimulate the imagination and the risk of spirit.

2007-02-28 6:48 am
This book provides rich, easy and correct information about the south pole. The book begins with a story of a competition between two teams of adventurers. It introduces the polar climate, animals, ecology and how local people overcome and survive in the poor climate...

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:47:14
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