
2007-02-28 4:58 am
紅十字會是一個國際性的人道救援組織,起源於一八五九年歐洲的蘇法利諾戰爭,當時一位瑞士銀行家亨利.杜南先生(JeanHenry Dunant)在旅行途中目睹戰爭的殘酷,不忍傷兵死傷遍野,無人照料,便主動地四處請求當地居民的協助。回國後,亨利.杜南先生將所見所聞所感撰寫成一本名為「蘇法利諾之回憶」的書,在歐洲地區得到極大的迴響。書中並呼籲成立一個民間中立的救援組織,以便在戰事發生時可以提供傷兵人道的援助,這就是紅十字會成立的源起。






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2007-02-28 5:57 am
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The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement started over 135 years ago, inspired by a Swiss businessman, Henry Dunant. He had been appalled at the suffering of thousands of men, on both sides, who were left to die due to lack of care after the Battle of Solferino in 1859.

He proposed the creation of national relief societies, comprised of volunteers, trained in peacetime to provide neutral and impartial help to relieve the suffering in times of war.

In response to these ideas a committee, which later became the International Committee of the Red Cross, was established in Geneva. The founding charter of the Red Cross was drawn up in 1863.

Henry Dunant also proposed that countries should adopt an international agreement, which would recognise the status of medical services and of the wounded on the battlefield. This agreement - the original Geneva Convention - was adopted in 1864

By Angela Bennett
Sutton Publishing Ltd

While the emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are recognised worldwide, its history – and that of the remarkable man whose inspiration led to its founding – has often been allowed to slip from public view.

This injustice has been tackled head on by the Red Cross historian, translator and journalist Angela Bennett, whose detailed yet accessible history The Geneva Conventions – The hidden origin of the Red Cross is now on sale.

Bennett’s journalistic background stands her in great stead with this book. The narrative pounds along at speed and keeps the reader engaged every step of the way. And she ensures that there is enough colour to put the historical detail in perspective.

Her writing gives an insight into the culture of the day and the complex political world Henri Dunant had to move through to achieve his goals. And she paints a delicate picture of the man himself.

Dunant’s story is a remarkable one, and should be far better known than it is today. His compassion and determination may have roused the crowed heads of Europe into taking action to limit the horrors of war, but his idealism and gentle nature made him a target for the unscrupulous. Falsely accused of bank fraud, Dunant had to leave his beloved Switzerland and lived a live of dire poverty before his achievements were finally recognised with the award of the first ever Nobel Peace Prize.

Angela Bennett has not only written a rich history of a very complex man and his part in the formation of the greatest humanitarian organisation in the world. She also provides a timely reminder of why the Geneva Conventions were written – and why they remain profoundly important in today’s unstable and violent world.

2007-03-02 09:54:04 補充:
glad to help
2007-03-02 3:13 am
Red Cross's synopsis: The Red Cross is an international humanity relief organization, originned Europe's Su Fali promises the war in 1859, at that time a Swiss banker Henry. 杜南 Mr. (JeanHenry Dunant) in the travel on the way witnessed the war the brutality, did not endure the wounded soldier casualty to spread wildly, nobody care, then on own initiative in all directions requested local resident's assistance. After returns to homeland, Henry. 杜南 Mr. feels the experience composes a given name is "Su Fali promises the recollection" the book, obtains the enormous echo in the European area. In the book and the appeal establishes a folk neutral the relief organization, in order to occurs when the war may provide the wounded soldier the humanity the aid, this is the source which the Red Cross had been established gets up.
As a result of 杜南 gentleman's this "heart of the concern", becomes on the international humanity spirit the source. But 杜南 gentleman checks the Huaihua manner skill in Daoist cultivation quantity, and does not strive for the repayment personally setting an example, this is the core value -- universal love, the humanity and the wish service spirit which the Red Cross more than hundred years esteems.
The Red Cross movement origin is for rescue the wounded soldier which in the battlefield suffers distress, although today war has been short, the livelihood of the people is wealthy, life and health level promotion, but along with the knowledge economy and society's fast hurriedly vicissitude, in the entire social structure, still had, even more people or the family, needed the social populace's support and the rescue.
Therefore, Red Cross's social service role also must carefully examine the social need, during development for all the people's social group's, also will provide more Yuan complete service to face. At the same time, along with the social unceasing evolution and the progress, the challenge, the difficult position which the people faces corresponding is also different, new time, the people have the new definition to the misery, also has the new demand, therefore, discovers the misery people's true demand, helps it, to illuminate it, this will be the Red Cross continues the invariable mission.

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