
2007-02-28 1:52 am
1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 42cm.If its length is double its width,find it area

2.There are 2sections in a math test.Each correct answer in section A scores

2marks,while each in section B scores 3marks.If Johnny has answer 40 question

correctly and scored 92 marks,find the number of question he has answered correctly in

section A and B respectively.

好似ed咁3x - 2y - 14 = 0 ...(1)
5x - 7y - 38 = 0 ...(2)

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Let xcm be the width of the rectangle and ycm be the length of the rectangle.
2x = y-------------(1)
2x + 2y =42 -----------(2)

By substituting (1) into (2),
2x + 2(2x) = 42
2x +4x =42

By substituing x=7 into (1)
Therefore the area of the rectangle is:
14 x 7
=98 cm square

2. Let a be the number of question Johnny has answered in section A and b be the number of questions he has answerd in section B respectively.

a + b =40----------(1)
2a + 3b =92-------(2)

From (1),

By substituting (3) into (2),
2a + 3(40-a) = 92
2a +120 - 3a =92
-a = -28
a = 28
By substituting a =28 into (1),
a + b =40
Therefore Johnny has answered 28questions in section A and 12 questions in section B.
2007-02-28 2:07 am
1, let x is the width.
so the width is 4 cm and the length is 8 cm.
2, let the number of question he has answered correctly in section A and B are x and y respectively.
x+y = 40.....(1)
2x + 3y = 92....(2)
from (1), we have x=40-y ...(3)
sub (3) into (2), we have 2(40-y)+3y=92
sbu y=12 into (1), we have x+12=40

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