中3,理科,a.math or 會計?

2007-02-28 1:46 am
中,英,math,phy,chem,bio,commerce,{{{a.math or 會計}}}???
我本身math全cup 廿幾,三十幾到(英中)
a.math我中2 lo!

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 2:03 am
Do not choose P A! I chose it in form 4 and I found it very boring. I studied exactly the same subjects as you do now and I finally chose A Maths. Any way, you like A Maths, just choose what you like. It is very hard to study a subject that you are not interseted in, to be frank.
However, I have to say that PA is much more EASIER than A Maths. To do well in A Maths, you need to pay very much effort.
參考: I finally got B for PA and D for A Maths in the HKCEE.What a shame!
2007-02-28 1:56 am
如果你希望入讀大學的話可以選amaths...如果你amath考得好(起碼要有C,6x~7x分)中六便可以選pure maths...有修讀pure maths 對大學選科大幫助很大

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