急問 : 明天要見工啦,可唔可以教我英文對答呢 ?

2007-02-28 1:25 am
明天要見工啦,可唔可以教我英文對答呢 ?

問 : 點解你要轉工?
答: 因為我希望得到一份有進升機會既工作,而我認為貴公司屬於一間大集團,所以認為整體既架構同進升機會都會比較大。

問: 點解你會喜歡做o黎個職位?
答: 喜歡的原因是我喜歡接觸不同的人和事,而我亦很喜歡幫助別人,而從協助別中可以得到很大的滿足感。

問: 你有咩優點?
答: 我的性格有靜的一面亦有外向的一面,靜的方面對於工作上我可以很細心及專心自己的工作,面外向方面可以幫助到我與其他同事的溝通和接觸。而我亦能成受壓力,而且是一個不易放棄的人。

問: 你的興趣?
答: 我工餘時喜歡看書,如散文及科幼小說亦會看,對於勞工法的問題我亦很有興趣,面我亦很喜歡於假日與家人或朋友到郊外游水及釣魚,不同類型的活動我亦有興趣嘗試。

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Actually, I'm satisfied with my current job, but I think a big and well-established company like yours proivdes better prospect for staff members who perform well, and that's why I'm attending this interview {remember, smile!

2. Well, I apply for this post because I believe this allows me to enrich my work experience, have more exposure to different kinds of people, and gives me a sense of satisfaction through helping them.

3. I would say I'm detail-minded and attentive, insistent, and can work under pressure, but I'm not just a quiet person. I'm also outgoing, and so I like a job that allows me to have contact with more people, and serve them as far as I can.

4. As for my hobbies, I like reading, such as prose, and science fiction. I'm also interested in knowing more about labour law. Like I said before, I'm also outgoing, so I enjoy getting together with family members and friends during holidays, you know , having outdoor actitities together, such as swimming, fishing, and hiking.

2007-02-28 09:42:11 補充:
correction: a c t i v i t i e s

2007-03-01 10:59:57 補充:
you are welcome. (very good, thank you VERY MUCH)
2007-02-28 1:48 am
1.I'm looking for a job with opporturnity for promotion, and I know your company is a well established coperation. I expect it found more open opportunity than outsides.

2. I apply this post, the main reason is to widen my experience, and have more exposure to encounter different people. and I, myself like to help the others, and I can gain the satisfactory during assisting them.

3. My personality is out-going, this helps me with good communication with co-workder. H/ever in terms of work, I'm a detail-mined and concetrate person. I can work under pressure and not easy to give up.

4. I like reading, such as some poem and supernatural story. I like to stay with my family and friends during holiday, we go for fishing and swimming so often. I like to try different kind of out-door activities as well.
Besides, I'm also interested in labour law, may also consider to take a course for further study.

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