
2007-02-28 12:23 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-28 12:29 am
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The Taipei Zoo (臺北市立動物園) was founded in 1914 as a private zoological garden by a Japanese citizen. The Japanese government in Taipei City, Taiwan bought the property the following year, and opened it as a public park. After World War II, ownership of the park was passed to the Taipei city government. The zoo was moved to its current site in 1986 due to a need for expansion. The current site encloses 165 hectares, including 90 hectares open to the public. The director of the zoo is Chen Pao-Chung.
It is sometimes referred to as the "Muzha Zoo" (木柵動物園), because it is located in the former district of Muzha
2007-02-28 8:14 am
「木柵動物園」的正名就是「台北市立動物園」英文名稱是Taipei Zoo
2007-02-28 12:41 am
「木柵動物園」的正名就是「台北市立動物園」英文名稱是Taipei Zoo
地址:台北市11656新光路二段30號 (30 Sec.2 Hsin Kuang Road, Taipei, Taiwan 11656, R. O. C.)
遊客服務專線Tel: 886-2-29382300#630
In 1914, when Taiwan was still under Japanese sovereignty, Mr. Oe, a Japanese, established a private zoological garden in Yuan-shan, on the northern suburb of Taipei City. (在公元1914年日據時期,有一個日本人在台北市北郊的圓山地區,開設一個私人的動物園)
The Japanese Government in Taiwan purchased the property the next year and turned it into a public park. After World War II, Taipei Zoo was formally taken over by the Taipei City in 1946. In 1970, the amusement park next to the zoo was consolidated into a 5.8 hectare park, providing entertainments and education for several generations of children and adults. (其後在翌年,日據政府向該日本人購買整個動物園地。在第二次世界大戰後的1946年,這個動物園正式由台北市政府接管,至1970年,這個5.8公頃集動物園﹑遊樂場於一身的地方,成為台北市民閒娛和教育的場地。)

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