
2007-02-27 10:05 pm
1. As required by my contract of employment, I hereby give you one months' notice of my intention to leave my position.

2. As you know, I have been very unwell for some time now and as a consequence, feel that I am unable to work for any longer.


回答 (4)

2007-02-27 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 依照我顧員合約內的條約, 我在此給你一個月的辭職通知.
2. 你都知道, 我身體最近已經不好, 結果, 我覺得我不能再繼續工作.
參考: 自己, 不用翻譯機
2007-02-28 4:37 am
1. As required by my contract of employment, I hereby give you one months' notice of my intention to leave my position.
依照我顧員合約內的條約, 我在此給你一個月的辭職通知
2. As you know, I have been very unwell for some time now and as a consequence, feel that I am unable to work for any longer.
你都知道, 我身體最近已經不好, 結果, 我覺得我不能再繼續工作
2007-02-27 10:37 pm
1.依照我的雇員合同, 我必須就我的離職給與你一個月時間的通知.

2.就你所知道的, 我的身體不適已經有好一段時間了, 我實在感到沒辦法再工作下去.
2007-02-27 10:15 pm
1 據我的雇用合同要求, 我特此給您通知我的意圖一個月後辭職

2.你知道, 這一段時間直到現在我都非常不適合, 認為我無法再適合這工作

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