請幫忙解答以下由TIME 抄下的句字(punctuation, participle & relative clause

2007-02-27 9:07 am
A scaly-breasted munia(斑文鳥) , found dead in a crowded shopping district on New Years' Eve and a crested goshawk(鳳頭鷹) collected on jan.9 both tested positive for H5N1 ,prompting concerns that the virus had returned to the city that reported the world's first human cases in 1997.

以上應是relative clause 加 participle, 想請問整句structure:

第一句斑文鳥後要加comma, 點解鳳頭鷹後又不用呢?? 第一句斑文鳥後那個found dead 是否 原意為passive, 省略左 which was???? 第二行鳳頭鷹後個collected是否都係 同上面問題一樣是passive both 之後的 tested 又是active or passive?? prompting concerns that 三個字, concerns是否名詞, 如是點解要加s尾


另外例句, Flanked by two policeman, the suspect was sent into a police car. 好明顯 flanked 係 被動式, 全寫為: the suspect was flanked by two policemen, the suspect was sent into a police car. 那麼 time magizine 那句我怎樣拆佢個結構, 唔該晒


首先唔該你, 但就係第一句又A scaly 到 H5N1 看似PAST PASTICIPLE 合成句子, 以prompting 到1997, 我已經知 promoting,是 present participle , 但好像整沒有 main verb好像。

回答 (1)

2007-03-02 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. 第一句斑文鳥後要加comma, 點解鳳頭鷹後又不用呢??

A1. 原文無comma wr=0="

Q2. 第一句斑文鳥後那個found dead 是否 原意為passive, 省略左 which was????
第二行鳳頭鷹後個collected是否都係 同上面問題一樣是passive
both 之後的 tested 又是active or passive??

A2. 上面所用既FOUND, COLLECTED, TESTED 係past participle. 唔係省略左咩...

Q3. 另外例句, Flanked by two policeman, the suspect was sent into a police car.
好明顯 flanked 係 被動式, 全寫為: the suspect was flanked by two policemen, the suspect was sent into a police car.

A3. 同A2. Flanked 係participle.
*participle分present participle and past participle.

你好似唔係好識participle wr.

2007-03-02 03:52:10 補充:
prompting concerns that 三個字, concerns是否名詞, 如是點解要加s尾呢個我唔係好肯定...我盡量分析一下.由o個段野睇...the comma(after H5N1)之前都係participle claus, 而concerns之後係that clause. 所以全句都好似無verb咁. 所以我諗concerns係verb.

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