
2007-02-27 8:31 am

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2007-02-27 8:50 am
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奧蘭多布魯姆 Orlando Bloom
1998年 王爾德的情人
2001年 黑鷹計劃
2001年 魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身
2002年 魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀
2003年 魔盜王1 鬼盜船魔咒
2003年 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
2004年 法外狂徒
2004年 Troy 木馬屠城
2005年 天國王朝
2005年 伊麗莎白鎮
2005年 鈣片小子
2006年 魔盜王2 加勒比海盜
2006年 浩劫天堂
2006年 Love and Other Disasters
2007年 魔盜王3 (拍攝中,07年上畫)
2007年 Seasons of Dust (籌劃中)
參考: wiki
2007-03-03 11:51 pm
Orlando Bloom
2007-02-27 9:01 am
魔戒果套戲裹面個精靈英雄射箭手是叫: Orlando Bloom
Birth name: Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom
Nickname: Orli , OB
Height: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Mini biography:
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.

Orlando attended St. Edmunds School in Canterbury but struggled in many courses because of dyslexia. He did embrace the arts, however, and enjoyed pottery, photography and sculpturing. He also participated in school plays and was active at his local theater. As a teen, Orlando landed his first job: he was a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range. Encouraged by his mother, he and his sister began studying poetry and prose, eventually giving readings at Kent Festival. Orlando and Samantha won many poetry and Bible reciting competitions. Then Orlando, who always idolized larger-than-life characters, gravitated towards serious acting. At the age of 16, he moved to London and joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. Like many young actors, he also auditioned for a number of television roles to further his career, landing bit parts in British television shows "Casualty" (1986), "Midsomer Murders" (1997) and "Smack the Pony" (1999). He also appeared in the critically acclaimed movie Wilde (1997).

He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, that Orlando fell three stories from a rooftop terrace and broke his back. Despite fears that he would be permanently paralyzed, he quickly recovered and returned to the stage. As fate would have it, seated in the audience one night in 1999 was a director named Peter Jackson. After the show, he met with Orlando and asked him to audition for his new set of movies. After graduating from Guildhall, Orlando began work on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, spending 18 months in New Zealand bringing to life "Legolas", a part which made him a household name. Today, he is one of the busiest and most sought-after actors in the industry.

IMDb mini-biography by: J.W. Braun

all his information: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0089217/bio

以下係Orlando 所有有份參與演出0既資料!!
2007-02-27 8:47 am
佢係奧蘭度布林(Orlando Bloom)~
參考: me

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