有關讀part-time building survey

2007-02-27 8:26 am
如果由頭讀起是否由HD開始讀呢?香港有邊幾間讀有關Building Survey課程呢?

回答 (2)

2007-02-27 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
part-time high dip 大學冇開架la, 去ive 睇下la,

ive 出黎既high dip polyu/cityu 好多都收做degree既, 當然最少要有credit la


2007-02-27 00:34:46 補充:
open u 都好似可以由基本課程讀起架wor, 仲係credit base tim.不過你預佢好expensive law. building survey 仲唔知有冇開tim
2007-02-27 9:42 am
if you are form 7, study HD in IVY or Degree, if you are mature applicant, study HD in HK or Degree at UK , Austraila ..
Poly, City and HKU have BS degree
Recent BS not good pay, i suggest you not enter this field

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