
2007-02-27 8:26 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-06 1:29 am
只是會發的白鴿嗎, 那有能量嗎, 有物質嗎, 是否生物, 可以說話嗎??
2007-02-27 6:23 pm

祂並不是自言自語, 這裏是表達上帝的三個形態的對話: 聖父聖子聖靈

在禱告當中我們聽到的正是聖靈的聲音, 祂不是能量, 不是物質, 沒有形態, 亦不是生物

你可以說祂懂得說話, 也可以說不可以, 因為他的說話是我們用心靈感應的, 並非物理學上所說的音波, 不能用科學解釋的
參考: 個人意見
2007-02-27 8:40 am
Holy spirit is the 3rd person of the trinity god. Trinity is God the father, God the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. They are one God. Being a God, Holy Spirit is more than an energy, more than a living organism, it can be materialised but it doesnt necessary as if Jesus is the real human on earth that he has body but he can go thru walls to enter house. Mostly in bible, Holy Spirit appears as pigeon, as wind, as fire (flame) and as energy from the bottom of ones heart. As God can communicate with us, so does Holy Spirit. And our conscience is part of the speech of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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