有幾條關於Moon cake 既問題.....((((急))))!!

2007-02-27 8:12 am
1.Where does Moon cake come from?
2.Who invented Moon cake?
3.When was it invented?
4.What material did it use?


回答 (2)

2007-02-27 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Moon cake came from our old China customs (習俗). In Mid-Autumn Festival, we the whole family reunited (團聚) to enjoy the dinner as well as the moon cakes.

2. Han people (漢人) Mr. Lau Bai Wan (劉伯溫) invented the kind of food.

3. At the end of Yuen Dynasty (元朝), the Han (漢) commoners (百姓) planned to raise a rebellion (起義) against the rule of Mongolian empire (蒙古帝國). Mr. Lau then stuffed (塞) the paper slip (紙條) inside the cakes informing others of the action on Lunar (農曆) Aug 15 night.

4. Traditionally (傳統上), the ingredients (成份) of moon cake included lotus (蓮) seed (子) pastry (蓉) with salty egg yolk. Nowadays, the taste has been diversified (多元化), for instance (例如), ice-cream cake with chocolate coating (皮) and cheese flavour plus green bean pastry with icy (凍) flour coating (皮).

2007-03-02 23:46:00 補充:
Cheng, it's my pleasure to give u a helping hand!
2007-02-27 8:44 am
1) 中國民間
2) 無從考證,只有古老民間傳說話是一位婦人

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