what i have done同 what have i done有咩分別?

2007-02-27 8:00 am
如題,what i have done同 what have i done有咩分別?

回答 (3)

2007-02-27 10:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
These two sentences both mean "我做了什麼?". However, they are different in use.

"What have I done?" is a question. (the verb "have" is placed before subject "I")

"What I have done" is used as a part of sentence or a question.(the verb "have" is placed after subject "I")
For example, "what i have done was just watching TV." ("was" is verb, "what i have done" bocome subject) or "do you know what I have done?" It would be wrong if you say "do you know what have I done?".
2007-02-27 8:51 am
what i have done個 what系1個連接詞"]]
SO what i have done 唔系"
而what have i done就係1句問題"
參考: 我個人認為"
2007-02-27 8:04 am
what i have done <--- 成句係relative clause

what 係 relative pronoun

而後面 "i have done" 係一個clause

i 係subject

have done 係 verb

what have i done <--- 成句係一句question

what 係 question word

have 係 auxilary

i 係subject

done 係因為have 的緣故所以do 以 past participle form 出現
參考: 自己

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