
2007-02-27 7:33 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-27 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Admiralty Centre EasiService Banking Centre
Shop 32, 1/F, Tower 1, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road
Central District
Hong Kong Island


Admiralty MTR Station (Hang Seng ATM)
Central District
Hong Kong Island
2007-02-27 10:47 am
yes, just go out the hotel, take the lift go down one floor. from my memory@v@

2007-02-27 22:52:32 補充:
The closest HSBC:Pacific Place Branch (Open on Mon - Fri)Shop 201, The Mall, Pacific Place, Phase 1, 88 QueenswayCentral District, Hong Kong IslandTel: [852] 2748 3322 Fax: [852] 2918 0893http://www.banking.hsbc.com.hk/script/regional/launched/locator/locator.asp

2007-03-09 20:14:10 補充:
There is one in Pacific Place,,,just under Conrad Hotel,,,why need to go far away to Admiralty Centre or MTR Station=O=""""

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