關於certificate of deposits

2007-02-27 7:28 am
如題,想問一下如果我buy,要畀一個利息出去先,其實咪好唔著數囉,係咪我賣番出去時又會收到呢個利息?係extra既??如果我到maturity都無賣呢???唔明cds既成本及possible gain,請高手指點一下.

回答 (1)

2007-03-06 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

How it works (Certificates of Deposit)
Coupon and Annualised Yield
The coupon is the rate of interest payable by the bank on the relevant CD, based on its issued value and is usually expressed as an annual percentage. However as CDs can fluctuate in value before maturity, the annualised yield best describes the total amount that will be earned in one year from investing in any given CD.
Currency Choices
Apart from the Hong Kong dollar, there are CDs available in a wide range of currencies, including the Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Euro, Pound sterling and US dollar.
Redemption Guarentee
CDs offer a comparatively safer way of fixing the return and the term of your investment. The principal capital is returned in full at redemption on maturity or if the CD is "called" ** earlier by HSBC.
HSBC endeavours, but has no obligation, to maintain a secondary market in which you may sell your HSBC CD prior to its maturity date. However during the term of the CD its value will fluctuate, as interest rates move in the market. Your principal is not guaranteed if you redeem it before maturity.
Covenient and Flexible
HSBC does, but has no obligation to, maintain a secondary market in the CDs it issues, allowing you more choice when it comes to investing in a CD***. In addition, depending on market conditions, new issues are made available, which may be subscribed to during the offer period. Our designated branches offer you both of these options, Premier customers can also perform transactions via the telephone and all HSBC customers can apply for new issues via our online IPO Centre.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:43:59
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