
2007-02-27 7:18 am
physcially 我ok,,,但mentally 覺得痛苦,,,點好?

回答 (3)

2007-02-27 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢度講既「融入」唔係要你一定要完全改變自己變成UK D人個樣.

咁就唔使改變你自己,又同時可以係UK生活好D (Mental 既部分)



你都可以 open D, 係「mental」上 open d 囉。

過佐關,你就level up囉。
參考: 係日本以前都有同樣問題既我. :) Bless you!
2007-03-02 8:16 am
Hk人純好多 this is not possible. Being conservative is ok so you don't need to worry. We should learn their good culture but not their bad culture. In my point of view Modern English people are not so successful as their ancestors were. But you can see that those 40+ Englishmen still remain their traditional characteristics being very polite and gentlemen. Just that the new generation is very 墮落. Do you have any Chinese or HK friends? What do they feel about it. I think all you can do is to tolerate. After all you came here to study but not to have fun.
2007-02-28 6:07 pm
Well..... it is similar to what I have been gone throught 8 years ago when I first went to Toronto..... well.... I think you should try to going into their style but still keep your own HK style...

UK is 好凍, but I think Toronto is even colder.... I am experiencing -20C and have snowing everyday!!!! I think every place have their own social value... I think what you think OPEN might be normal to them.... Try not to think all the negative side of UK..... you should have OPEN MIND to accept everything new and also try to know more people by open yourself to other people...
If you are in university... which is I am in right now... try to join more clubs and also get to know more people in class.... by knowing more friends will help you alot when you have problem in class!!!! If you can, talk to more people from HK and ask them how can they get through the cultural barrier.

My experience on how to survive in Toronto for 8 years: Know as many people as you can, have general knowledge about their culture and their social value and trands.... Also, open yourself to people to get to know you, join more clubs and go to different activities by student club. Try not to think the negative side and be happy and open yourself to challenges....

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