Introduction of tennis(10)

2007-02-27 6:11 am
Please give me introdution of tennis!

回答 (4)

2007-03-02 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案


1. 網球規則介紹

2. 網球常識

3. 網球用語


2007-02-27 7:30 pm
a regular tennis game have 5 sets, each set 6 games. if it ties (5-5) 5 games all, in order to win the set you need win to more games 7-5. if it ties at 6-6, will go tie break ( a tie break have 7 points, game winner determind by who win the first 4 points.

one point has 50. As you get one ball ( your opponent can not return your ball, and the ball is not going out) 15-0, as continus 50-0, you will receive one point.

has single and double games.

more information read---- tenitsu no 王子樣
2007-02-27 3:55 pm
上 NOW, 租個 espn/star Sports 台, 日看夜看. give u the best understanding

or cheaper way, go to Public Library, borrow any English tennis book, like introduction xxxx,
remember, English version ! don't read those Chinese version bal
2007-02-27 6:32 am
參考: myself

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