Need titration? if same vol+conc. of HCL, NaOH mix together

2007-02-27 3:43 am
If same volume of 1M HCL and 1M NaOH mix together, isn't that complete neutralisation reaction will occur? We don't need to use titration?

coz I'm not sure...can't remember in laboratory whether teacher gave us 1M of HCL and 1M of NaOH to try titration.......

forgot to say, we used titration to make soluble salt from soluble salts.... we wanted to find out when the reaction ended. first time with indicator and second time without indicator

回答 (1)

2007-03-03 11:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
=.=你都確定係1M HCL同時1M NAOH....係唔係都唔叫titration.....
所以必須用titration確定濃度.......或者確定個Equivalence point

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