
2007-02-27 1:09 am
人生總有歡喜,難免亦常有淚,大家在獅子會山下 相遇上大家總是歡笑

希望可以用d easy and常用既唔該!!!

回答 (3)

2007-02-27 1:21 am
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英譯中 or 中譯英 ?
There are happiness in our life, but sometimes we feel sad & depress. Anyway, happiness is more than sadness for our meeting under the Lion Mountain.
2007-02-27 5:16 am
Happiness and sadness are inevitable in life, but it always cheers us up when we cross paths beneath the Lion Rock.
2007-02-27 2:08 am
The life always has likes, unavoidably also common □, everybody meets under the mountain in the lion to meet one another on everybody always to laugh heartily the hope to be allowed to use d easy and to be commonly used already should not! ! !

生命に常に同類、やむを得ずまた共通の.の. がある、容易なd を使用するために割り当てられる希望を心から笑わせるために皆の互いに常に会うために皆はライオンの山の下で会い、一般的であることは既にべきでない

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