✔ 最佳答案
1. 不可讓狗隻於大廈公眾地方便溺
Dog urination is not permitted in the building's public area.
2. 不可在屋苑範圍內放狗
Walking of dogs is not permitted within the estate's area.
3. 不可讓狗隻於大廈公眾地方隨處奔跑
Letting loose of dogs is not permitted in the building's public area.
4. 不可容許狗隻亂吠引玫對其他住戶造成滋擾
Please restrain dogs from barking which causes disturbance to other tenants.
5. 不可讓狗隻騷擾或襲擊其他人
Please restrain dogs from disturbing or attacking others.
6. 必須為飼養狗隻購買有效保險及若閣下飼養之狗隻引起任何意外紛爭, 責任必須由閣下自負, 管理處可保留任何追究權利
Current valid insurance must be bought for keeping dogs. Should there be any issues caused by your dog, you carry full responsibilty and we attain any rights for disputes.
7. 當乘搭升降機時, 狗主需將狗隻放於籠內, 否則有權要求攜狗住戶不得進入升降機
If the dog is not inside a pet carrier while using the elevator, it may be restrained from using the elevator.
8. 不得攜帶狗隻乘搭本邨穿梭巴士
Dogs are not permitted to board this shuttle bus.