
2007-02-26 8:16 pm

回答 (4)

2007-02-26 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最基本是買勞工保險, 但如果沒有請人可以不買
基本上政府除了勞工保險外, 其他保險是要看你做什麼生意,才有什麼規定

2007-02-28 15:33:40 補充:
勞工保險沒有特定幾多錢, 要我你請多少人(例如:長工有多少人, partime有多少人, 工作是有否存在危險性等等)第三者責任保或其他火險, 水險, 就要看你間舖有幾大, 存放什麼物品在舖內其實你想再清楚多d, 首先你間舖是做什麼生意, 有幾大, 請多少人, 然後搵幾間保險公司報價, 就最好.
2007-02-26 9:48 pm
You HAVE TO buy the following insurance:

- Public Liability insurance (公眾責任), This is to cover any of your customers entering the shop.
- Staff insurance (僱員賠償), to cover your staff's while they are at work

You have lots of other insurance to buy including Property insuranc (財物) or operational insurance (運作). There are too many to name. To decide what sort of insurance you should buy, I think you can make a few phone calls to the biggest insurers in HK and ask for two quotations:

(1) Quotation for the minimun insurance cover.
(2) Quotation for a package that includes a few more insurance riders on top of the minimun. All the insurance do packages e.g. for HSBC, they have 零售萬全保

You can then compare the cost and benefit of all the companies and decide which one you want to buy. The biggest General Insurance companies in HK are included below:

HSBC: http://www.commercial.hsbc.com.hk/1/2/commercial_zh/insurance/business/retailersurance
ING: http://www.ing.com.hk/gi/tc/index.asp
AXA: http://www.axa-insurance.com.hk/cindex.asp?pageid=products&prodid=business
Zurich: http://www.zurich.com.hk/chi/is_companyinsurance_retailmultirisk.htm

Decide whether you just want to buy the minimum or whether you want to buy more than the minimum. If you want to buy the minimun required insurance, I suggest you just buy the cheapest quote you manage to get from the above insurance companies. However, if you want to buy more than the minimun, you shuould carefully compared what is covered by the policies. It's a very complicated process and you often cannot compare policies directly because they vary so much between companies.
2007-02-26 8:46 pm
開一間店舖,政府現規限店主要買的是〔勞工保險,強制性公積金〕,其他的如第三者責任險,火險,盜竊險等,可以自己考慮須要才買。歡迎電郵查詢:[email protected]
2007-02-26 8:44 pm
A) 第三者責任保.如果有客唔小心係你間舖跣親,你要賠都可以俾保險公司賠.
B) 火險.通常火險一定買,火燭都唔會蝕到渣都無.
A) 水險.如果有水浸既可能.如果水火都買通常買Shop Package.
B) 盜竊保.如果爆竊風險高的話.
C) 金錢保.如果店舖經常有大量金錢儲備.
D) Shop Package. Shop Package係一個整體保,包以上其中幾樣野,最好問一問你既相熟agent啦.

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