AL econ...10 points

2007-02-26 8:45 am
Can shortage and scarcity be solved by trading with other countries?

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 5:17 pm
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Shortage means at a given price level, Qd>Qs(excess demand).

Scarcity exists when the limited resources is insufficient to satisfy all human wants. This imply that at zero price, Qd > Qs.

I think that shortage can be solved through trading with other countries if the domestic price level is higher then that of our trading partners.

It is because when the domestic price level is higher. Producers in other countries will export their goods to the domestic market in order to gain a higher revenue that paid by domestic customers. Then, excess demand in domestic market can be eased or solved.

However, if the domestic price level is even lower than that of our trading partners, domestic producers will shift to export goods to other countries. Then, shortage in domestic market may become even worse.

Of course, it is assuming that transaction cost is at a very low level.

But I think that scarcity can not be solved by trading with other countries.
Even a good is scare in one country but free in another country, scarcity can not be solved since trading must involve cost, e.g.transport cost, and, of course, these costs must be positive(above zero). That means, Qs cannot be increased at zero cost. Then, at zero price, Qd is still greater than Qs. So, scarcity cannot be solved by trading with other countries.
2007-02-27 12:26 am
scarcity is the limitation of the resources related to the unlimited human wants. there is still scarcity even we trade with other countries. it's because human wants is unlimited. people will not satisfy and feel enough of goods. moreover, when we trade, scarce goods will be exchanged. we have to forgo something. so trading cannot stop and solve the scarcity.

shortage is the excess demand. according to one market, shortage can be solved as the people can get more of the goods they want. they can trade until it can fullfill all the demand of the market.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:15:19
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