
2007-02-26 8:13 am
中大: 歷史悠久, 學生入學成績好d, alumni多
科大: 國際上出名d, exhange prog and internship多d, d野新d, ranking高d
老一輩都會recommend中大, 新一代就recommend科大
其實真係各有各好ga. 都唔知邊間好d?
maybe 可唔可以教我點揀岩自己ge呢?
可唔可以compare中大同科大出黎ge學生 同埋compare下 job prospect?

回答 (6)

2007-02-28 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since I am a very old accountant, so I do not know whether CUHK or HKUST is better.

Nevertheless, I can tell you my observation: I have never have a CPA in my company come from CUHK. Instead, most are come from PolyU, CityU. Then, HKU, and some from HKUST. May be student of CUHK have better opportunity and therefore they will not work in accounting professionals. But when I was yound, it is believe that the education system of CUHK do not fit for the qualify examination and therefore most of the student in CU will not pass the CPA examination without putting additional affort.
2007-03-01 5:54 am
PolyU is the best. You can check it out from the faculties' qualifications. Nearly all teaching staff of PolyU have good accountancy experience.

But to compare CU and UST, 中大一定好過科大, I have checked the UST website. I founded all famous accounting professor of UST have left. Now all UST accounting professors have no working or professional experience in auditing, taxation, corporate finance........ The only thing they have just a PhD degree. So, they actually know nothing about accounting. They are only 書獃子, I think they should teach in the economics dept (not in the accounting dept.)
2007-02-26 9:55 am
講會計. 的確係中大好過科大.
你自己睇 JUPAS 收生都知啦. 中大係收得高過科大. 咁你話邊個勁 d?
2007-02-26 9:48 am
2007-02-26 8:18 am
中大is the best, ......................................................................................
2007-02-26 8:17 am

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