are you poor or are you rich?

2007-02-26 5:09 am
what would you do to be really really rich? and how far will you go?

回答 (55)

2007-02-26 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm one of the diminishing middle class. It really doesn't appeal to me to be rich, although I'd like to have a bit more disposable income. The pursuit of extreme wealth is a disease, much like alcoholism or drug addiction. Too much money keeps one from living in the world among people.
2007-02-26 5:14 am
I have a house a car a computer and money in the bank. I am richer than 99% of all the people on the face of the earth.
I am happy with what I have.
2007-02-26 12:08 pm
I'm so broke,I can't even pay attention.
2007-02-26 6:52 am
Poor in money but rich in thought.

Poor in my knowledge but rich in my experience.
2007-02-26 6:19 am
I think I am middle middle class, but people tell me I am pushing at the upper spectrum of middle class.
About the only things I am willing to do for riches is to work hard and invest once out of uni, buy a lotto tic, and be willing to inherit riches.
Beyond that, I have no desire to become involved in criminal activity and so forth.

--That Cheeky Lad
2007-02-26 8:46 am
i am rich!!! i eat bread 3x a day for endless weeks. i have a blanket and a bed, a roof, and water to drink. my mind is intact in my head, and i am not naked. my body is whole, no broken leg. im rich, i have a God who keeps me breathe, He is eager to read the letters sent onto His feet. im rich, my eyes show me beautiful living things and inanimate objects. my ears hear melodious tunes like magic. the love of the Creator, parents, relatives, and friends keep me alive and awake, i value the smiles and laughter that i get, i am rich, for what i have i am content. i struggle very hard only to be really reallly rich in treasures beyond this earth.
2007-02-26 5:28 am
Neither. I would work my azz off to get rich :)
2007-02-26 5:14 am
Middle class, my dear. What would I do to be really rich? Well, I sure hope it doesn't involve whips and chains or the equivalent thereof.
2007-02-26 5:15 am
I am ever so poor and I would tell my xhusband I still love him to get part of his inheritance, I'm thinking about doing that as soon as his mother passes! You asked!
2007-02-26 5:13 am
rob a bank.
2007-03-02 8:17 pm
I am rich, not with money, but with my health, my marriage, my children and grandchildren, my family, my life style. Who needs money. I would love to win the lottery, if only to sort out other folks problems, perhaps start some self funding ventures for people who are less fortunate as me.

When I am sitting in my garden painting, or cuddling one of my grandchildren, I know you cannot put a price on it !!!
2007-03-02 7:26 pm
You won't get me to go there.
The content of one's character will tell me how rich or poor someone is.
2007-02-27 5:16 pm
I have enough money to buy a few creature comforts, like shoes and bread and I don't overspend so I have excess money each month and save some. I feel well off and never poor
2007-02-27 7:52 am
Im poor really poor,my windsheild wipers dont work because it cost 100$ to fix them.I have to tie my door shut.The good news is I just got a huge raise and promoted to management so as of this week Ive gone from making about 10000 a year to making 24000 a year. I dont have to be really rich. I will go as far as I can go by being honest.I work in fastfood and Im proud of working my way up.I have almost no education but I study hard and I work hard and being rich means nothing to me.All that matters is I make it .My dreams arent about money but about other more interesting things. Money means nothing to God.
2007-02-26 11:44 am
I'm in-between, and I think I'd rather be poorer, I've never met a happily married, well balance, healthy millionaire.
2007-02-26 11:43 am
Considerably below the poverty line - according to stats Can.

I live in a one bedrm apt. - low rental category - with cat.

But I love it here| Its a great place in the country, with winding roads interspersed with lakes| Plus I know a lot of people - all the girls are after me - only kidding :) - but it is great - I can't complain|

My hobby is putting up creative lighting in the apartment complex|

2007-02-26 11:15 am
I'm a billionaire when it comes to love, financially we are comfortable, not impressed by money.
2007-02-26 6:15 am
i am poor but im happy to be like this.
2007-02-26 5:35 am
I will work hard to hit the target. I'm a middle class citizen. i'm not dreaming to become super rich. I'm content on what I have. But if I want something, I pray for it and believe i can achieve it.

I'm will not be happy with money alone. What we need is everlasting happiness and not infinite richness.
2007-02-26 5:30 am
i am a POV-RAT and not afraid to say it lol if i knew what to do to be very rich, i wouldn't be calling myself a pov-rat....
2007-02-26 5:25 am
Compared to most of the people in the world, you and I are both rich. We have homes, blankets to warm ourselves when our heaters are turned off. We have computers and we have the ability and good health to communicate to others. It is extraordinary really.
2007-02-26 5:17 am
I'm content. I don't mind to have more by spend more time working, but I don't wish to be super rich. If I can pay off both my condo in Southern France and here within 10 years, I'd be more than satisfied.
2007-02-26 5:13 am
Im currently middle class... Im happy the way I am... being rich or poor causes too many problems... And, in the end, money is not whats important .. God will not judge you upon that..
Remember Money is the root of all evil..
2007-02-26 5:15 am
I'm rich in love and poor in cash. Ahh, just kidding. I'm middle class - maybe upper middle class to some. I obviously don't do enough to be really rich and I obviously won't go far enough to be rich because I'm not. I would be rich if I stopped spending frivously. I'd be richer if I didn't buy expensive cars just because I like them. I'd be richer if I didn't take major vacations a couple times of year. Would I be as happy though? Heck no.
2007-03-06 3:43 am
notyhing, i will go where God takes me.
2007-03-06 2:37 am
Build a shack on the rock Jusus...!.Lose this life!.
(Poor and happy)
參考: myself.
2007-03-06 1:14 am
rich, since I am not starving and have a good job, insurance, family......
poor since I live paycheck to paycheck

I would not go to prison for money or sell myself either
2007-03-05 11:41 pm
I am a poor man. If I was rich I would build my own school that I have been dreaming of.
2007-03-05 7:10 pm
I chose to continue to work and earn my money.Too many people rely on riches to make them happy.If you are not happy as a poor person.It will be the same being rich.Think of the money wasted on all those lottery tickets that could have been banked.
2007-03-05 4:56 pm
I'm not rich, but I'm happy and that's all that matters. Plenty of rich people are suicidal
2007-03-05 3:51 pm
I would say I'm just in the middle neither rich nor poor.
2007-03-05 12:49 pm
richness? what kind of richness you want to say
1. financially rich.2. physical richness.3. wisdom richness moral richness.
2007-03-05 8:59 am
I'd say I am poor but I don't want to be filthy rich. Afew more pennies in my pocket would be nice to help pay towards things like the mortgage.

I feel that I am pretty lucky with little things in life so I wouldn't want to jinx it by becoming rich.

Being rich does not always make you happy... look at the news lately with Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears and a few celebs - all rotten rich but miserable as mud.
2007-03-05 7:29 am
i wouldnt go to any extremities to be rich. if that is your main desire in life then you deserve the pitfalls that go with it, such as friends you never knew you had,people always expecting you to foot the bill,you'd be surrounded by selfish shallow people, who'd stab you in the back soon as look at you. it really cant buy happiness this money stuff, im lucky enough to enjoy going to work and and think its sensible how people tend to live within their means,rather than live their lives by plastic !!!
2007-03-05 12:28 am
i am ok not rich or poor and i wouldn't do anything to be rich because money will not solve my problems not all of them anyways. i would just play the lottery just for fun and if i win i win if i don't i don't who cares. we will die anyways so i doon't care
2007-03-04 8:47 pm
As far away from my family as possible. LOL
2007-03-04 6:45 pm
i am not rich ,nor poor , i do as i wish when i wish ..........i travel alot but only when i feel like it ..........:-)
i need nothing .i live very humbly with not much furniture but by my choice , for i am not into materiel things .gave almost all my things away .....did not need them ........not my pc tough !:-)
at times i go away for 6 months at the time , at other times ? i stay put . that does not make me rich ........nor poor :-)
i eat every day and sleep in my warm place ...
my heart is rich :-) so ? therefore .i am rich (inside) :-)
i would not do anything to be rich ....................:-) happy the way i am .....................
2007-03-04 6:06 pm
I have a wonderful family and friends, not broke but not rich. My wife and I make pretty good money togather so having money isn't everything having family and friends is what really makes us rich
2007-03-04 12:59 pm
it would be nice to be "rich" just for the peace of mind and to help others who need it.
We are middle class, but I tell ya, it's not like it was years ago. The middle class people work their asses the government can support everyone else.
2007-03-03 6:36 pm
poor so very poor...
2007-03-03 3:16 pm
we are not poor,but we are not rich either,so if i was rich i would sort out my family and friends,and then i would go and buy a nice 4 bed house by the seaside for me and my fiance and my two daughters,and have a nice wedding and honeymoon,and then when we get back maybe landscape the garden and that would be that....i would be very happy
2007-03-02 5:06 pm
My Dad left his Princess set for life; I just married someone with a terrific career, and I have one too. I guess you could call that rich.

I call us happy, and very fortunate.
2007-02-26 10:17 pm
Nothing but hard work, money isn't everything. As for me i'm reasonably poor when it comes to cash, as for everything else i'm a millionare!!
2007-02-26 9:16 am
You tell me. I have been on three holidays so far this year. 2 weeks seeing the sites in Egypt, One week doing nothing but sunbathing in The Gambia and five days in New York. I have money in the bank, savings in the building society own my own house drive a new car. But live on a council estate in SE London.
2007-02-26 9:13 am
in between low and middle class to get really rich any means neccesary (besides somthing homesexual.......... well i would have to ask alot of questions)

MONEY RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: my feelings stop asking
2007-02-26 7:26 am
money rich or family rich ? there is a huge difference. i do not know what i will do, but at this stage do not think i will eat a worm on fear factor to gain a million ! eeck !!!
2007-02-26 6:15 am
cash poor but asset rich
2007-02-26 6:12 am
I am happy.
2007-02-26 5:40 am
I think most people never think of themselves as rich. But anyone who is richer then them they feel is too rich and what could they possibly need all that money for.
2007-02-26 5:14 am
Though I am on a very fixed income, I am very happy with my life. The Good Lord always makes sure I have what I need.
2007-02-26 5:13 am
Neither! I think!
2007-03-02 9:31 pm
I wouldn't consider myself rich but not poor either. I'm comfortable. What I would do to be really rich is be the person who has to give bad news to people. You know, like when a company is closing I would be the one to announce it to all the workers. I would be good at this since I'm so nice and sweet.
2007-03-02 4:50 pm
if you came from a dynasty of millionaire or billionaire then you should be really rich, if not marry someone who is...
2007-02-27 12:42 pm
I'm poor, but still buying lottery tickets. I would however be quite alarmed if I won the biggest payout ever.

It wouldn't last long mind, there are so many places I want to see. I would make a will, as there are certain members of my family who don't deserve a penny (long story, and I am justified)

How far will I go? Into space, what an amazing experience looking down on the earth, spotting the different countries knowing there are people going about their business.

I would buy an air ambulance, lifeboat, and really be able to help other causes. (and treat a few mates) When I met a group of friends last, I got a round of drinks, and they had a whip-round so I didn't have to pay the whole bill, as they know my financial situation, even if it did come to £9.50. Now that is rich!
2007-02-26 5:36 am
It will depend with the angle i look at it.Jesus said leave everything and follow me.It will be very difficult for the rich to inherit the kingdom of God.My riches are in heaven.My riches on earth are my physical strength and peace of mind.My daily bread is provided for by my Lord God.Birds of the earth never toil and yet they feed.If iam for Lord why should i tire myself with earthly riches which can make me miss kingdom of God.Into the earth i came with nothing and i will leave it with nothing.Save my soul Lord.Iam rich according to scriptures and i know iam.

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