My GF is pregnant and now i cannot be with her what should i do can she sue me for that, can i run away...?

2007-02-26 4:55 am

回答 (36)

2007-02-26 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are obviously young if you are considering running away. You don't have to continue to date her, but you do have a financial and personal responsibility to your unborn child. Kids need to have their parents in their lives, especially their dads. You are not prepared for this, but believe me, YOU don't have to know anything to love another person. Like I said - you don't have to be with the mother, but you have to be there for the baby.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
prepare to pay 28% of everything you make for the next 18 years.
2007-02-26 4:59 am
Why the crap can't you be with her? I am going through that same BS right now and guys like you PISS me off. Don't run away puss. Be a man and step up, the child and your gf deserves way better and yeah, she can sue your butt for child support.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
She can sue for child support, but if you were any kind of man, you'd face your responsibilities and pay before the courts get involved.
2007-02-26 5:05 am
What if you were the one pregnant, would you want her to leave you?
2007-02-26 5:00 am
You should have thought of that before you f*cked her. Step up and be a man. You don't want your child to grow up without a father, do you?
2007-02-26 4:58 am
You can run, but you can't hide. Face up to your responsibility and be a man for the first time in your life.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
If you are a gutless scumbag, then running away would be the thing to do. Yes she can sue you if you run away, and rightfully so.

OR, you could step up to the plate and be responsible, take care of your girlfriend and kid like a man.

The choice is yours.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
no she can't sue you but she rape your as s for child support for the rest of your pathetic gutless exsistence.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
Grow up and stand up for your child...
2007-02-26 4:57 am
Find a nice long flight of stairs...
2007-02-26 4:58 am
take care of her the best you a real man!!!
dont be a jerk.
2007-02-26 10:40 am
Guys like you give decent guys a bad name be a man you were good for the do so step up but then again you never truly wanted her in first place just some where to plant your seeds shame on you, i think she is better off without you poor girl. Luckily for her yes she can get child support off you and there is nothing you can do about and some times it's a good whack off your wages in her case I'd say she definitely deserves tough luck but there you go:)
2007-02-26 9:08 am
you should have taken care having sex. you made no effort at contraception. now you must stand up and be a man not a gutless wimp. support the girl, she needs it.
2007-02-26 7:06 am
You should stop being a selfish *** whole and man up. The bottom line is you are not going through hormonal issues, nor are you trying to grown into a beautiful child, yet all you can do is worry about your damn self. She cant sue you but you should think more of yourself then to contemplate running away and leaving her and your child to clean up a mess that you were involved with.

In all seriousness what you need to do is take a minute and pray on it, so that you may get the strength to take this situation head on and grow up. Whether you are with the mother or not she NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT and you need to give it to her, and you need to be a father to your child!
2007-02-26 5:17 am
why cant you be with her is the question. but you need to start
taking responsibility for this there a child.
2007-02-26 5:05 am
She can sue you for child support.....................not sure why you want to run away or can't be with her but its really not fair for that child to grow up unwanted, and don't try to kid yourself it will because no matter how many good and loving people are in that child's life they will always feel unwanted by the one person that isn't and doesn't want to be in their life. This can sometimes cause a child to define themselves in a very negative way, the child will always have a little voice inside telling them that their is something wrong with them that you don't want to be in their no matter what the issues are that you are having think really long and hard before you cause that child a lifetime of pain.........
2007-02-26 5:05 am
Please....don't run away. You can always find someone who can understand you and support, teachers, counselors.....she can't sue you for that. Talk to your parents, talk to her and her parents.....there's always a solution for every problem. What seems today a big problem...will be in some months the light of your life. Try to be close to your girlfriend and if you can't let everything cool down and just ask God for courage and strenght.
2007-02-26 5:04 am
run away? You can't do that! You're the FATHER!! You can't abandon your GF because you were both irresponsible. It disguists me when guys run away from their responsibilities! Everyone would look down upon you for the rest of your life. How does this sound to you? "I left my pregnant girlfriend because I couldn't be with her...I have a child that I don't know". Speak with your girlfriend! If she WANTS you to leave then go...don't leave her, if you were a pregnant girl, you would be in more emotional stress than any guy, and a lot of physical stress!
2007-02-26 5:02 am
How old are you? I got pregnant when I was 18 and had a baby at 19. I thought the guy loved me and he said "Don't worry I will take care of everything." He denied being the father and denied my son until he got 16 then he wanted to be his Dad but it was too late. You may not can be with her but you need to stand up and be a man and take the responsibility of your child. You were man enough to get her pregnant and yes I know that it takes two. Don't run away that will not solve anything. She can have a dna test run and yes if you are the father she can force you to pay child support.
2007-02-26 5:02 am
Why can't you be with her ?? Is it your baby or another mans ??
I mean if you love her stay with her. But if it's your kid the government will make you pay child support when she takes you to court...You could go on the run but if you don't show up to court the judge can arrest you.
2007-02-26 5:02 am
Had you thought of before having sex with your GF, you could have avoided this situation. Anyway, you can tell her to abort the child. By your statement "now I cannot be with her" means you have broken up with her. Am I right? I would suggest you to be with her. Running away or hiding yourself from her is not the solution to the problem. You both are EQUALLY responsible for this and need to sort out amicably.

Good luck and God bless.
2007-02-26 5:01 am
I know it's hard but when the baby is born you will be soo happy. It is so cool to have a little child and even if you don't love the person you will love the baby. Please stay and take care of it. Don't run as the child deserves a dad. She can't sue you but she can get child support. I am sure you are scared but it will pass. Call her and try to talk. Good luck.
2007-02-26 5:01 am
don't ever run away from something think to do is to let her know what you want and that you will support her if she gets an abortion...
2007-02-26 5:01 am
im going to be straight up get a real job and be perpared to pay child support and be a real dad not a figure that comes around holidays thats all you got to do
2007-02-26 5:00 am
There's nothing she can do to make you be there with or for her.Running away won't stop you from having anything to do with your baby financially,because all she needs to know is your name and birthday and then she can put you on child support.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
She can sue you for child support. No you can't run away because that would make it worse. Just be the dad to your child. o.o
2007-02-26 5:06 am
you may think that its all good for yourself.And not care about your kids mother.But wot about your kid.running away from your kids mum all good,but running from your kid is not on.loving woman is now & then and can runaway from them.But loving your kid is forever.something that you should never runaway from
2007-02-26 5:00 am
yes she can , she will take child support from you which is about half of what you make if you make thousand a month you will only have 5 hundred to yourself thats gotta suck uh
2007-02-26 5:00 am
without worth
2007-02-26 4:59 am
Get married. Have the kid. Continue life.

It's no harder than any other way, and at least you give some respect to people.
2007-02-26 4:58 am
you're responsible if that's your child! Time to start paying child support.....i think u have to pay like $900 a month to her.
2007-02-26 4:57 am
be a MAN and take the responsbility.
2007-02-26 5:08 am
It sounds like you scored with her because she is simply a sl*ut. A sl*ut who decided that she was getting no where in life and decided to push pins through your protection so she could scam money off of you, bring up a child in a crappy household, ever filled with more men who she just wants to sit on, nibble their carrot and lap up their caesar salad dressing
2007-02-26 4:58 am
Is this a Joke?
2007-02-26 4:58 am
why can't you be with her?

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