What is a good answer for the common interview question "What are some of your greatest weaknesses?"

2007-02-26 4:44 am
im going to an interview and im wondering what a good positive answer would be for this question...??

回答 (8)

2007-02-26 4:51 am
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Always turn a negative into a positive. A good response may be, I sometimes take responsibility for picking up the slack of others when I know they should be doing it themselves.
2007-02-26 12:51 pm
Whatever you choose as your "weakness," make sure you have a solution for that weakness.

For example, if you say "My weakness is that I have trouble saying "no" when supervisors ask me if I have time to help them on a project." then you could follow that up by saying "I have learned, however, that while it's nice to be able to help everyone, it's also not good to spread myself so thin. I've recognized my limits and feel confident communicating that to supervisors when they ask if I have time to help."

Or if your weakness is that you often allow yourself to take on too many projects at once, you can follow that up by saying "I've learned that it's ok to ask for help when I need it, and to communicate with my supervisor to let him know in advance if I feel that I'm unable to finish something by the deadline."

Good luck!
2007-02-26 3:30 pm
You always want three weaknesses that are actually good. Say you are a perfectionist, you ask a lot of questions, and can be a little passive.
2007-02-26 12:54 pm
that your a perfectionist (if you are that is.....)
2007-02-26 12:54 pm
I like to see my weaknesses as growth points. I make mistakes...but only ONCE.
2007-02-26 12:54 pm
I've had this question myself a few times. I like to start by saying something like, "I make horrible coffee!" It keeps things light and gives you some personality that may let you stand out a little bit.
Then, you want to give the interviewer something they can overlook as a bad quality because of how you turned it around. Its a two-part thing. For example, "I have a habit of getting a little too absorbed in what I'm working on. I can get really focused on something and lose track of time which leaves me missing lunch sometimes or leaving late. I've been trying to do better about scheduling myself with not just start times, but end times for things. I think I'm getting better, but I'm still working on it."

With that, I basically just told the person that I work TOO hard!! How can you possibly not like that in an employee!?!

These types of situational questions are always looking for a two-part answer. 1- What is the answer and 2- How did you resolve it. Know that and you're all set.
參考: 5+ years of Banking experience.
2007-02-26 12:52 pm
Well, I usually answer that my weakness is public speaking (and I'm not lying), but I will tell the interviewer that I'm working on something to improve it like taking speech classes, reading books and etc. Public speaking is one of the nightmares for manyyyyyyy people out there, and I'm not kidding. Feel free to answer anything you want, but make sure your weakness has nothing to do with the job. For example, don't tell your interviewer that my weakness is communicating with people when you're applying for a public relation job. I'm sure you know what I mean. You see, no one is perfect in this world.
2007-02-26 12:47 pm
just be a wiseass and say "Kryptonite" lol

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