
2007-02-26 7:55 am



我唔想要一D COPY「水瓶座既性格」之類既答案,我想知道水瓶座O型既男仔會做既表現。


回答 (1)

2007-02-27 2:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
水瓶座O型既男仔 is more quiet o ... there are 2 different approach,
some may suddenly start to talk more (given that he is quiet before), some may suddenly start to talk less (given that he want to hide his feeling) ...
However, they are always in doubt, he like you he will treat you better for sure ...since they are very picky. He start to research more what you like and fit your taste or talk about it to impress you.
Try to encourage him more and see if he really like you by treating him nicely and return some of his favor.
good luck
alien :)

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