
2007-02-26 6:57 am

If five star is the full mark, Finding Nemo will get five stars, It is because Finding Nemo is really perfect film. Now Finding Nemo quit use to mother and daughter and conversion that be a relationship of father and son, it can extrude the effect. Finding Nemo communicate positive, optimistic message for us, it’s really suit by everyone!!

如果五粒星星為滿分, Finding Nemo 值五粒星星, 因為真的太完美了, 今次《海底奇兵》放棄慣常取材之母女兒關係而取較冷門的父子情懷,效果很突出。《海底奇兵》傳達積極、正面和樂觀的訊息,是一套真正老少咸宜的電影!!

回答 (2)

2007-02-26 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
If five stars represent the full mark, The 'Finding Nemo' will undoubtedly get five stars,It is because the 'Finding Nemo' is really a perfect film. The 'Finding Nemo' quits using the relationship between mother and daughter and shifts to the relationship between father and son, it can be effective. The 'Finding Nemo' can also communicate a positive and optimistic message to us, it's really suitable for everyone!!

2007-02-25 23:58:32 補充:
quits using the relationship between mother and daughter and shifts to the relationship between father and son, 應該係quits using the relationship between mother and daughter 'but' shifts to the relationship between father and son,
參考: Myself
2007-02-26 8:16 am
Finding Nemo deserves five stars out of five: it is a perfect movie. Finding Nemo is inoovative, as it turns away from the more common theme describing motherly love and presents the story from the view of a father. Such execution has a spectacular effect. Finding Nemo communicates positive and optimistic messages, which will definitely be welcomed by all of us.

Five stars out of five.
Four and a half stars out of five. 四粒半

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