
2007-02-26 6:55 am

coz 我見到佢網頁介紹"酒店內三種客房均為一家四口子而設"

請問如果我星期6去, 住一晚, 星期日走, 係咪即係比一晚酒店$$$?? 即一千二百per person if 平日 (exclude service charge and tax) ???????

請問兩個酒店check in and check out 時間係幾時???????


即係一千3百幾一晚房間係 for 2 people????????????????????????????

回答 (2)

2007-02-27 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
兩個人當然可以住啦(一個都得!)… room rate是以每房計(不是人頭計),每間最多可住4人,可request一張king size床或兩張雙人床.


check in時間是3pm而check out是11am.建議早點去check in (如12點),因人多要排隊,人少的話有可能早些有房,就算未有房都可周圍影下相先,最緊要係唔駛同人迫!

有甚麼問題也可直接打hotline: 1830-830問清楚.

2007-02-27 01:36:01 補充:
無錯 ... 一千3百幾一晚房間係 for 2 people
2007-02-26 7:19 am
Most likely hotel has no restriction for the minimum number of persons requirement.

The reason why they introduce the family room (max 4 people) is to attract the family with children since most of the hotel rooms restricted for max. 3 people only.

You're right... If you check-in on Saturday and check-out on Sunday, you have to pay for ONE night room charge only. I think HK$1200 is meant per room per night instead of per person and you have to clarify if 13% government tax and service charge is included.

As I remember, the Hollywood hotel check-in time is 3pm and check-out time is 11am.

Hope this can help...

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