英文問題 2 verb出現?

2007-02-26 6:19 am
there are more and more new immigrants enter the SAR

我想知呢句有無問題... 2個VERB???請解釋^^

回答 (2)

2007-02-26 6:36 am
Two verbs should not appear in a sentence in this way. U can either:

1. More and more new immigrants enter the SAR.
(Simply omit "there are".)


2. There are more and more new immigrants who enter the SAR.
(Add the conjunction "who" herein. The two verbs are allowed then.)
2007-02-26 6:31 am

個主要動詞係"enter" ,不過唔識解釋 "are"點解唔當係多個動詞^^

其實句句子刪走"there are" 都無問題,即
more and more new immigrants enter the SAR

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