
2007-02-26 5:09 am




回答 (2)

2007-02-26 6:49 pm
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保羅(Paul),天主教翻譯作保祿。原名掃羅(Saul),因家鄉為大數,所以根據當時的習俗也被稱為大數的掃羅(Saul of Tarsus),悔改信主後改名為保羅。天主教廷將他封聖,提到他時常稱聖保羅(Saint Paul),但新教則通常稱他為使徒保羅。他是神所揀選,將福音傳給外邦人的使徒,也被歷史學家公認是對於早期教會發展貢獻最大的使徒。他一生中至少進行了三次漫長的宣教之旅,足跡遍至小亞細亞、希臘、義大利各地,在外邦人中建立了許多教會,影響深遠。

2007-02-27 1:07 am
1. Paul lived as a Pharisee. He loved Judaism to the uttermost. He hated the Christians because he felt that they were threatening Judaism. He even got a contract from the High Priest to catch and imprison all Christians.

2. After his conversion to Christianity, he no longer persecuted the christians. Rather, he joined them and strongly preached Jesus Christ as Lord, which he formerly denounced. He even went to synagogues to debate with the Jewish leaders. He was beheaded later by the Romans.

3. The vision he saw on the way to Damascus really changed his concept about Christianity.
a) Christ and the believers are one
When he was struck by the light, the voice out of heaven said that "I am Jesus, whom you persecute." Paul was persecuting the Christians, not Jesus. But to Jesus, the Christians were one with Him. That prompted Paul to realize that Jesus Christ and his believers are one. That's why Paul in Ephesians talked about Jesus as the Head and christians are the body.
b) God and Christ are one, and that by persecuting the Christians, he was actually doing harm to the God that he served fervently in Judaism.

Source: Acts of the Apostles.

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