
2007-02-26 4:58 am

You are writing a letter complaining about the service of a Chinese restaurant . With the help of the pictures and words below , write the letter in about 80 words . 要用ge字:( have dinner ) / ( waiter / table / near the entrance / noisy ) / ( change the seats / rude ) / ( spill some soup )


有5幅圖,第1幅係講有四個人(爸爸,媽媽,女同個仔),好開心咁指住一間Chinese restaurant ,好始想入去食野......第2幅圖,入到去好多人,好嘈........ 第3幅圖,等左好耐,終於有位坐啦,坐低左之後,就叫野食.....第四幅圖,個(是應)囉d野嚟果震,唔小心張d野倒左洛我度,攪到我成身都係,第5幅圖,跟住我地就好嬲咁走左啦,媽媽仲話要投訴佢.......

回答 (1)

2007-02-26 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
To Manager,

Today, my family went to your restaurant today. I know that you the one of the famous restaurant of the town and my friends also encourage it. so I decided to dinner with my family. When i was come in, there was crowded and very noisy, childs was running around and someone speaking very louded. Furthermore, the speaker in the front door also louded that we cannot talk with each others.

My husband would like to leave because of crowed place and we have to waiting a long time. after an hours, we have seats finally. Then we order some foods. However, we have waiting more than half an hour. Besides, i was urge the waiters and waitress many times. it takes almost one hours, orders are came. unfortunately, the waiter suddenly fall in and put all those thing up side down. all the foods falls in my daughter. However, he seems nothings and just give us some tissues. I was get mad and run away as well.

I want to complaint your restaurant services and the waiter named Charles, he was rude to us and I will no come to your restaurant. I will also complaint to Customers Council as well.

Mrs. Chan

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