
2007-02-26 4:04 am
如題 。 急

回答 (7)

2007-02-27 6:59 am
2007-02-26 6:57 pm

You are the only one to blame for. = 自己螺泥衰.
Can't blame on anyone but yourself.= 自己螺泥衰.
You asked for it 也可以, 但似乎not exactly what it meant.
參考: SELF
2007-02-26 5:25 am

You have only yourself to blame.
It serves you right.
You ask(ed) for it.
You deserve it.
2007-02-26 4:36 am
Chronic illness by brings on oneself
2007-02-26 4:32 am
it deserve you
2007-02-26 4:16 am
疚由自取 is a rather negative phrase.
'you ask for it' cannot express the feeling of the bad situtaion.
My recommendation is 'SELF-INFLICTED'.

e.g. Your current situation is self-inflicted.

hope i can help you~
參考: myself
2007-02-26 4:09 am
疚由自取 = you asked for it

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