form one數

2007-02-26 3:42 am
.In the book, there is sequence called Fibonacci Sequence. There are a lot of mathematics relating to this sequence. Write down 3 mathematical results relating to the sequence.
[Keywords: Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, 費波拿契數]

26/2/2007 04:00am之前丫唔該!!

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
In music, Fibonacci numbers are sometimes used to determine tunings, and, as in visual art, to determine the length or size of content or formal elements. Examples include Béla Bartók's Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta.

Fibonacci sequences appear in biological settings, such as branching in trees, the curve of waves, the fruitlets of a pineapple, and the arrangement of a pine cone. Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz advanced the idea that these can be in part understood as the expression of certain algebraic constraints on free groups, specifically as certain Lindenmayer grammars.
Rabbit born rabbits is one of it. first there is a pair of rabbit. then we need to wait for it to grow up. then the third year they are born rabbit. then it wait for the young rabbit to grow up again and again and again and again.......
2007-02-27 2:00 am
Fibonacci Sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55.....
In the sequence
T(0)=1; T(1)=1
T(n)=T(n-1)+T(n-2) for n is greater than 2 postive intergers

費波拿契數=Fibonacci Sequence 的中文

Golden ratio:
there is a ratio between near two terms in Fibonacci Sequence when n trend to infinity
For example,

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