羅馬機場 + 英國-- 荷蘭問題

2007-02-26 2:06 am
1. 點解我係easyjet搵機票 由阿姆斯特丹 去 gatwick機場,只要10分鐘機程!?
但我search gatwick 去 阿姆斯特丹就要個幾兩個鐘 機程!?

2. 羅馬除左達文西機場,係唔係仲有一個機場 !?

回答 (2)

2007-02-26 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) There is a time different of 1hour between Amsterdam and London (Amsterdam is 1hour slower than London)... The flight time is actually 1hour 10minutes... So when you add 1hour on the represent the time difference on Amsterdam to London section, you will come up with 1hour 10minutes rather than 10minutes... And by take away 1hour on the return flight to represent the time difference on London to Amsterdam, you will come up with 1hour 10minutes as well...
2) There is 2main airport at Rome which are Rome Ciampino Airport and Rome Fiumicino (達文西機場) Airport... Majority of the Low Cost airlines like EasyJet will operate to Ciampino Airport...
2007-02-26 5:50 am

因為荷蘭及英國之間有一小時的時差嘛, 荷蘭是比英國快 1 小時的... 而荷蘭飛去英國真的只需要 1 小時, 因此機程是 1 小時 10 分, 不是 10 分鐘
羅馬有兩個機場. 達文西機場係 Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino). 另外一個是 Ciampino

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