
2007-02-26 1:51 am
A cylinder of base radius 6cm contains some water.If 8 meetallic spheres of radius 1cm are submerged into the water,find the rise in water level in the cylinder.

回答 (4)

2007-02-26 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can use below formula to find the volume of a metallic sphere.
r = radius of sphere
Sphere Volume = 4/3 (3.14) r^3

Total volume of 8 metallic spheres are the same as the water rises level in the cylinder.
When you find out the total volume of 8 metallic spheres, you can us below formula to find out the height of water level (h).
Cylinder Volume = 4/3 (3.14) r^2h
so that, h = Total volume of 8 metallic / 3.14 r^2
參考: Myself
2007-02-26 2:39 am
base area of cylinder x rise in water level = volume of 8 metallic spheres
=> rise in water leval = volume of 8 metallic spheres / base area of cylinder
= 8 x (4/3) x pi x 1^3 / (pi x 6^2)
= 8/27 cm
2007-02-26 1:58 am
(8x1^2 x pi)/(6^2 x pi)

2007-02-25 18:01:03 補充:
我計錯左d 野應該係(8x1^3 x pi x4/3)/(6^2 x pi) 先arm8個球體體積/水的體積
2007-02-26 1:56 am

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