
2007-02-26 1:46 am
緬甸台(Minden Avenue)是香港九龍半島尖沙咀一條街道名稱,毗鄰九龍主要街道漆咸道南及彌敦道之間。

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2007-02-26 1:49 am
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緬甸台(Minden Avenue)是香港九龍半島尖沙咀一條街道名稱,毗鄰九龍主要街道漆咸道南及彌敦道之間。 Dr.eye: Burmese one ( Minden Avenue) Hong Kong Kowloon peninsula Tsim Sha Tsui one street name, adjoin Kowloon arterial street paint salty dishes of the south and between the Nathan Road.
該街道的名字雖然稱為緬甸,但與東南亞國家緬甸無關。 Dr.eye: Though the name of this street is called Burma, have nothing to do with Burma of country in Southeast Asia. 19世紀至20世紀初,該處曾有一批居民來自德國中部城市棉登(Minden),因以為名,後來英國及德國在一次世界大戰時份屬不同敵對陣營,原居於該處的德國人從此遷出。 Dr.eye: At the beginning of the 20th century, once there were a group of residents to come from Germany in this place the urban cotton in the middle part steps on for the first time in the 19th century ( Minden) ,Name that because thought, later on one belongs to different hostile camps during the World War in Britain and world in once, Germany, the German occupying this place originally moved out from then on.
緬甸台的名字雖然沿用至今,但該處後來開了一條街道,已轉用「棉登道」命名。 Dr.eye: Though the Burmese name of one is used till today, but this place opened a street later, had already migrated it is named that ' the cotton stepped on one '. 這種同一個名字,兩種譯音的情況,在香港早年猶為常見,影響至今。 Dr.eye: Such same name, the situations of two kinds of transliteration, was still common in early years in Hong Kong, influence it so far.

19世紀至20世紀初,該處曾有一批居民來自德國中部城市棉登(Minden),因以為名,後來英國及德國在一次世界大戰時份屬不同敵對陣營,原居於該處的德國人從此遷出。 Dr.eye: At the beginning of the 20th century, once there were a group of residents to come from Germany in this place the urban cotton in the middle part steps on for the first time in the 19th century ( Minden) ,Name that because thought, later on one belongs to different hostile camps during the World War in Britain and world in once, Germany, the German occupying this place originally moved out from then on. 香港1841年開埠,第一次世界大戰1914年爆發,咁呢段時間應該係1841-1914年之間. Dr.eye: Hong Kong opened the port in 1841, the First World War broke out in 1914, the period of time of woolen cloth should be 1 8 4 1 - 1 9 1 4 During being annual
參考: Dr.eye

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